Here comes the new year

here comes the new year

he dances in the discotheque
she holds his hands
he presents her a bouquet
she kisses him in response
both laugh
both cry
both play a fiddle with each other
and started dancing again
here comes the new year

here comes the new year
sitting on the mattress
bottle in one hand
and a cigarette in the other,
somber and contemplative,
not knowing the pomp and the glitter outside
appreciating the earth's rotation
thinking why the word abbreviation is so long
reluctant to free his hands to take up the TV remote
sitting idle
totally puzzled
here comes the new year

here comes the new year
he brings her the past
she rejoices it
he sets her with emotions
she binds by it
he calls her fool
she loves it
they take a deep breathe
and say life is not changing
here comes the new year

here comes the new year
switched on TV
not knowing that night not meant for him
full of love songs
and parties
left the bottle that quench no thirst
there was this movie channel
chose to forget time
and to believe in one to tango
and the movie was
"Life is Beautiful"
here comes the new year


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